My family tree has been a work in progress for about 25 years & I have searched for records all over the world, sitting in front of my computer. I have always identified myself as Italian, because that is how I was raised even though my last name is Finnish. I knew that my grandfather was Finnish, but I had never met him. I knew that my mom was not Italian or Finnish, but I think that she loved and longed for the strong family connection that my dads side brought to light. When I started this journey I had originally thought my family came from Finland & Italy, settled in Michigan and finally moved to California. When I thought I had exhausted my search in Michigan I started looking for any records I could find from Italy. I understand a little bit of Italian, so that was relatively easy. Finland, however, is a bit of a problem. I understand exactly ZERO Finnish. Anyway, I have found that I have family in at least 45 of the 50 States, England, Wales, Scotland, Germany, France, Switzerland and Canada.

My little tree is not near as big as some other’s I’ve seen, but I have managed to gather 4,147 people to my tree and I have another 1,150 in a database just because they *might* be related. I have actually found some that fit into my tree! Exciting times! 🙂

I will soon have my whole tree here, a list of some of my favorite search sites and a list of names of people in my tree and people that I’ve found that might someday be.


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