Unlock the Charm of Vintage Design To Tell Your Family’s Story
Introduction Family history is a treasure trove of stories, memories, and connections that tie us to our ancestors. Organizing and presenting these discoveries can breathe life into them. By using vintage design, with its timeless charm and nostalgia, you can create the perfect aesthetic to showcase your family’s past. In this post, we’ll explore how […]
Mastering Ancestral Chronicles: The Power Of Genealogy Organzation
A Path to Discovering Your Ancestral Roots Genealogy is a fascinating journey into the past, unraveling the stories of our ancestors and connecting us to our heritage. However, the wealth of information available can quickly become overwhelming without proper organization. Effective genealogy organization not only saves time but also ensures the accuracy and reliability of […]
Tracing Your Roots Around the World
A Journey Through Genealogy & Immigration Have you ever wondered about the epic tales hidden in your family tree? In the intricate tapestry of our family history, threads of immigration weave compelling stories, shaping the lives and destinies of our ancestors. Genealogy unravels this tapestry and takes us on a journey through time. Let’s dive […]
The Genealogist vs The Family Historian
According to Merriam-Webster genealogy is ‘an account of the descent of a person, family or group from an ancestor or from older forms’ ‘regular descent of a person, family or group or organisms from a progenitor or older form’ ‘the study of family ancestral lines’ Or ‘an account of the origin and historical development of […]
Genealogy Basics for Beginners
Getting Started Genealogy Organization Family Group Sheet
My Whole World Family Tree
My family tree has been a work in progress for about 25 years & I have searched for records all over the world, sitting in front of my computer. I have always identified myself as Italian, because that is how I was raised even though my last name is Finnish. I knew that my grandfather […]
My Great Grandmother Giovanna Elisabetta Getrude Pieri
My Great Grandmother She was stern, I saw her as the head of the family, as did most everyone. She was outspoken (all in Italian) & not afraid to tell you that what you did was 100% wrong in her eyes, but she was my great grandmother and I loved her, cherished her, and miss […]
Finding the Needle in the Haystack

Before I started searching for my family, I thought that finding them would be a piece of cake. After all, how many Niemi’s, Tomassini’s or Pieri’s can there be in this world? Where I grew up, they were pretty unique, especially the Niemi and the Pieri surnames. Tomassini was a bit more common because that […]
Am I Italian? Yes! and so much more…

DNA Doesn’t Lie My DNA tells me that I am at least 32% Italian, so what makes up the other 68%? I relate to my Italian heritage because that is how I was raised, but my father’s genealogy is 50% Italian/50% Finnish. When their mother, Mary Tomassini, passed in September 1940 in San Francisco from […]